Steve Lamarre
Content Writer
Steve has lived a life devoted to Christ and felt a calling to pastoral ministry at 11 years old, which would not be applied until much later in life. He has been living with mental illness since his teenage years, though had not received any long–term mental illness diagnoses until his 30s. In 2019 a mental health crisis temporarily pulled him out of a high-level IT career at B4 Networks in Fonthill and he permanently left a position as an Instructor at Niagara College. He left the IT field in 2020 when he was labeled as “completely disabled” due to the symptoms shown at the time. In late 2021 he experienced significant relief from his symptoms thanks to intervention by the Holy Spirit in a home church operated by WAY Niagara. He began pastoring as a volunteer with WAY the next January and set his focus on mental health and supporting those with mental illness. Steve has multiple diagnosed mental illnesses and strives to educate others on topics that can help limit the stigma. His pastoral ministry allows him to walk alongside those that struggle with similar mental illnesses, with an experiential understanding of some of these illnesses.